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CPCs 101: Basics

There is a lot of information out there about "crisis pregnancy centers" (CPCs), so we created the CPCs 101 page to bring together the best information to get started. If you're interested only in the most current news, click the button below.

Have you ever noticed one of those billboards that says:

"Pregnant and Scared? Know Your Options!"?


What you saw during your drive was an advertisement for an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy center (CPC).


You may also hear CPCs referred to as anti-abortion centers (AACs), pregnancy resource centers (PRCs), pregnancy care centers, or even fake clinics.


Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are anti-abortion organizations that exist to dissuade pregnant people from seeking abortion care to terminate their pregnancy. Most are religiously-affiliated nonprofit organizations that do not have medical licenses. Yet, CPCs provide a host of pseudo-medical services to lure pregnant people who may be considering abortion and spread harmful medical misinformation about abortion, sexuality, contraception, and adoption. The articles linked below provide a comprehensive background on the history and current state of CPCs.

CPCs 101 - Must-Read Articles.png

A curated collection of articles that provide a foundational understanding of anti-abortion CPCs.

Key Articles

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Check out these TV segments, videos and full-length documentaries to learn more.

Videos About CPCs

CPCs 101 - Research Projects & Reports.png

A central location to find important research projects that have been published about CPCs and the anti-abortion groups that enable them.

Important Research

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A hand-picked list of books that contribute meaningfully to the discussion about "crisis pregnancy centers" and their harmful ideologies.

Recommended Books

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